Webex Room 55 Dual

Bring a greater level of sophistication and freedom for medium sized rooms. Includes dual 55" 4K display, camera, codec, speakers and microphones – all within a beautifully designed frame and with flexible installation options

Room 55 Dual

Webex Room 55 Dual is an all-in-one video conferencing system for rooms of up to 12 people. The Room 55 Dual is available with two 55-inch LED screens for a people-focused or a people- and content-focused experience. The system combines beautiful design and powerful functionality into an all-in-one solution for medium- to large-sized rooms.


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Cisco suggested retail price *

* Cisco Suggested Resale Prices. Pricing is for guidance and planning purposes. This is not a binding offer from Cisco. Prices may vary on country and region. Price does not include Cisco Supported Services.

** Additional costs for support and installation services may apply

*** Pricing upon request